Con­tact infor­ma­tion

Val­kea is the heart of Oulu’s city centre.
You can con­ve­niently reach us by all means of trans­port.


Our street address is Iso­katu 22–25, 90100 Oulu.

You can con­ve­niently reach Val­kea on foot, by public trans­port, by bicycle or by car. You can reach Val­kea on foot from Pak­ka­huo­neen­katu and Kaup­pu­rien­katu, as well as by going through the Kivi­sy­dän ent­rance in the Rotu­aari pede­strian zone and wal­king through the Gina Tricot out­let. The main ent­rances at both ends of Kesä­katu will lead you to the heart of the shop­ping centre: a cove­red mee­ting place and venue for events. The Kaup­pu­rien­katu ent­rance also offers quick access to the Sokos depart­ment store. Val­kea is loca­ted in Oulu, a bicycle-friendly city and the world’s best city for win­ter cycling. You can park your bicycle next to the main ent­rance on Kaup­pu­rien­katu.

The nea­rest stops are loca­ted on Tori­katu, Saa­ris­ton­katu and Pak­ka­huo­neen­katu. Find the best route for you at

If you are arri­ving by pri­vate car, we recom­mend the Kivi­sy­dän or Val­kea par­king faci­li­ties.

The ent­rance to the Val­kea par­king faci­lity (65 par­king spaces) is on Iso­katu from the Saa­ris­ton­katu side. Valkea’s car park has four elect­ric vehicle char­ging sta­tions. Elect­ric vehicle char­ging is inclu­ded in the par­king fee. You must bring your own char­ging cable.

Kivi­sy­dän (900 par­king spaces) has two ent­rances and exits. Hal­li­tus­katu 1: this ramp is loca­ted at Torin­ranta (mar­ketplace). Hal­li­tus­katu 20: this ramp is acces­sible from Uusi­katu, on the cor­ner of Otto Karhi Park. You can reach Kivi­sy­dän from Val­kea by two rou­tes: use eit­her the main lift lobby’s lifts or the Rotu­aari lifts, which you can reach by wal­king through the Gina Tricot out­let.

Some shops in Val­kea offer their cus­to­mers arri­ving by car a rebate on their par­king fees. The amount and terms of the rebate vary for each shop and res­tau­rant. Read more about the par­king fee reba­tes here (in Fin­nish).

Lost pro­perty

The lost and found office is in the Secu­ri­tas office on the 4th floor (Mon–Fri from 11 am to 1 pm). Enqui­ries about pro­perty lost in Val­kea may be sent to

Lost pro­perty not col­lec­ted is sent to Poh­jois-Poh­jan­maan Löy­tö­ta­va­ra­pal­ve­lut once a week.

Poh­jois-Poh­jan­maan Löy­tö­ta­va­ra­pal­ve­lut Oy
Teh­taan­katu 1, 90130 Oulu (Rak­sila mar­ket area, Sale buil­ding, 2nd floor)
Tel. +358 600 550 094 (€1.91/min + local network charge)

Con­tact us

Heli Siro­nen, direc­tor of shop­ping centre
+358 44 788 5933

Päivi Mäkelä, mar­ke­ting and event mana­ger
+358 44 788 5902

For any other mat­ters:
Katja Vähä­kuo­pus, shop­ping centre assis­tant
+358 44 405 0759

Give us feed­back

For media

Print-qua­lity logos for Shop­ping Centre Val­kea.