For fami­lies

It’s nice to come to Val­kea shop­ping cen­ter to spend a relaxing day with the whole family. Val­kea has eve­ryt­hing under one roof: a variety of shops and res­tau­rants, not for­get­ting play and rest areas. Val­kea also has its own children’s floor, which inclu­des a play area as well as good variety of sto­res.


For the Little Ones – The Family room

A quiet nur­sing and dia­per-chan­ging point, the Family Room loca­ted on the fourth floor of Val­kea shop­ping cen­ter. In the Family Room, you can have a snack and rest break for the children in a quiet, loc­ked space.

The Family Room has two nur­sing points sepa­ra­ted by cur­tains, a mic­rowave, a toi­let, a dia­per-chan­ging sta­tion, and toys for boring moments.

The Family Room is open during the shop­ping cen­ter’s hours. Ring the door­bell at the door. When the green light turns on, the door is open.

Restrooms with childcare faci­li­ties

Restrooms and childcare faci­li­ties are avai­lable on the K1 floor near the ent­rance to S‑Market Herkku, on the third floor in the res­tau­rant area, and on the fourth floor.

Play Areas

Roi­hula, 3rd floor

On the third floor, you will find the Roi­hula play area, where children can enjoy exten­ded play­time.

Res­tau­rant Ros­so’s Play Area, 3rd floor

Res­tau­rant Rosso has a new and won­der­ful play area, which allows parents to com­bine play and dining.